Which iodine should I take?

Which iodine should I take?

There are two forms of topical iodine available that should NOT be taken internally: 

(1) Povidone Iodine: It is a mixture of polyvinylpyrrolidone (P.V.P.) and elemental iodine. 

(2) Tincture Iodine: It is usually close to 50% alcohol and stings. 

Instead, take one of these two forms:

(1) Lugol’s iodine: It comes in either a 2% or 5% solution. You can use either, just dilute them in drinking water. 

(2) Potassium iodine: It comes in tablets often ranging between 12.5mg and 130mg. 

And to save you the trouble, here are the links to them directly on Amazon:



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